Saturday, May 21, 2011


So, all of these people have come out to say that they have seen or know for a fact that Lance Armstrong has taken performance enhancing drugs or masking agents.  Interesting stuff to say the least.

Despite all the upgrades in technology to be able to catch somebody using these drugs, there's just one thing I can't seem to get past.  After so many years and 500+ controlled drug tests, how could Lance Armstrong, not one time, have tested positive to a test?  Could he really have bribed and paid off that many different people along the way?  Is it so far fetched to believe that he DID bribe and pay off people?

On the other side of the coin, what does it say that Armstrong hasn't come forth and sued Floyd Landis, Frankie Andreu, and now Tyler Hamilton for both libel and slander? 

And what does it say about the U.S. Government, spending millions and millions of tax payer dollars and for what, trying to indict Armstrong for something that allegedly took place in other countries?  I mean, they did such a great job with Barry Bonds, why not continue to roll the dice...

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